St. Bernadette Catholic Church



Who are you? Are you divorced? Are you married with kids, worrying for them and committed to their welfare? Are you married a second, or even the third time? Are you a single parent struggling to make ends meet? Are you gay or lesbian? Well, whoever you are, you belong to us because you belong to Christ. 

Are you lonely? Are you a widow? Are you a single man or woman who would prefer to have a spouse? Are you disabled or disfigured? Are you living with shame? Have you been a prisoner? Whoever you are, you belong to us because you belong to Christ.

Are you a newcomer to St Bernadette? An immigrant maybe? Are you from another Christian tradition? Are you full of doubt? Has it been a while since you came to Church? Or are you a regular here, full of faith and enthusiasm for St Bernadette Parish? Well, whoever you are, you belong to us because you belong to Christ.

All people of good will are welcome here: that's the really good news!

If you've been away, you can come back; if you've been living in darkness, you can come to the light. Sinners and Saints are welcome. Everyone is welcome to come home to Christ.

Catholic Evangelization is a lifelong journey to God. (it's a continuous process of conversion).                

Evangelization Message 

Evangelization seeks to bring the Gospel to many cultures, drawing out the best in each and transforming it.  The Gospel encounters and permeates a variety of cultures and needs to be proclaimed in a way that can be understood and assimilated by the hearers.